Success and Impact

Our Hub For Consent, Confidentiality Laws

Picture of young person from behind painting a heart on a wall

In an effort to ensure youth feel safe seeking sensitive health care and that youth in systems can access the care they want and need, NCYL created a hub that provides information on consent, confidentiality and information sharing laws that apply when providing health services to children and youth., developed as part of NCYL’s Adolescent Health Law Project, is designed to help healthcare providers understand the many laws that impact their work with young people. The site’s initial focus is on answering questions related to delivery of sensitive services and care for the subgroups of youth who often face increased barriers to needed care.

The site provides tools and resources for providers, including fact-sheets, explainers, and articles and research papers to keep professionals who provide services to youth up to date on changes in law and methods for delivering best practices.

The site also links to a NCYL-produced guide — accessed directly at — for teenagers interested in information about sex, pregnancy and parenting.