Frankie Guzman

Frankie Guzman is the Senior Director of Youth Justice at the National Center for Youth Law and leads a team of attorneys, policy advocates, and community organizers to transform youth justice systems in California and Colorado. Frankie's work is focused on eliminating the practice of prosecuting and incarcerating children in the adult criminal system, reducing youth’s involvement with juvenile justice system, increasing developmentally appropriate services and opportunities for youth and young adults, and eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in the youth justice system.
As a youth, Frankie was sentenced to serve 15 years in the California Youth Authority for armed robbery. Released on parole after serving six years, Frankie attended UC Berkeley and UCLA School of Law, and became an expert in youth law and policy, focused on ending harsh punishments of youth and expanding health-based alternatives to achieve public health and safety.
Originally from Oxnard, California, located within the traditional homelands of the Chumash people, Frankie spends his free time working with Native American and "Latino" communities to combat the genocide and erasure of indigenous communities in North America.