Kayla Schivo

Kayla Schivo is the Senior Program Manager at the National Center for Youth Law and leads the organization’s Monterey demonstration site as part of the Compassionate Education System team. Kayla works with National Center for Youth Law education liaisons and school district partner, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, to support students and families who experience homelessness or housing insecurity. Kalya strives to serve the whole person/family and ensure that every young person has the ability to graduate high school with the widest array of opportunities ahead of them.
Kayla has both her bachelors and masters degrees in social work with an emphasis on school-based services. She started at the National Center for Youth Law in 2020 as an Education Liaison for the Compassionate Education Systems, Monterey team. In this role, Kayla partnered directly with students and families to provide individualized supports centering around education, basic needs, and building self-efficacy. Working within the education system as an advocate for young people has been and continues to be a passion of hers.
Kayla is a Bay Area native who moved to Monterey in 2020 for cooler weather and less traffic. She loves traveling, eating good food, and spending quality time with her family and dog, Hudson.