Sandra Preciado

Sandra Preciado is an Education Liaison the Compassionate Education team in Arizona. Sandra works with students and their teams in an effort to remove educational barriers they may be facing. She does this by collaborating with the various systems the students interact with including the foster care, school, and behavioral health systems.
Sandra has both her bachelor's and master's degrees in Social Work. During her studies, she interned for various non-profits serving low-income communities including at New Pathways for Youth a mentoring agency serving youth and their families, and at Unlimited Potential which provides adult education services and community health programs in the South Phoenix community.
Born and raised in Southern California, Sandra has lived in Arizona for the last decade. She is passionate about helping others and empowering communities to overcome and challenge systemic injustices. Sandra also loves animals and volunteers at a local cat shelter. Sandra enjoys spending time outdoors, playing with her cats and dogs, and practicing yoga.