Sarah LaCour

Sarah LaCour is the Education Law and Policy Manager at the National Center for Youth Law, where she leads research projects related to issues of civil rights and education. She supports both internal and external teams in obtaining and analyzing data to highlight inequities in education systems and advocating for systems change. Her current areas of focus include disproportionality in school discipline, resource inequities, and classroom censorship.
Sarah draws on her previous experiences as both a classroom teacher and a litigator to conduct research focused on the nexus of law, policy, and practice. She earned her master's degree in curriculum and teaching from Teachers College - Columbia University. She also holds a J.D. from Baylor University and a Ph.D. in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Before joining the National Center for Youth Law, Sarah was an assistant professor in Educational Policy and Evaluation at the University of Kentucky.
Outside of work, Sarah spends most of her time chasing her toddler son, pets, and assorted farm animals. She also volunteers with a therapeutic riding center and occasionally sits down to quilt.