Youth Justice

Justice for Survivors (2023)

AB 1497 (Haney)

Creating meaningful pathways to justice for survivors of trauma, domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking who are funneled into our criminal legal system is important for their healing and care, and to stop the further criminalization of victims. 

Often survivors of survivors of trauma, domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking have their trauma used against them or ignored in court proceeding, and long and harsh sentences are imposed on survivors. Their victimization produces acute and long-term impacts for survivors while further perpetuating cycles of violence.

The Justice for Survivors Act, also known as the Legal Justice for Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Victims Act, will help create equity for survivors of trauma, domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking in California's criminal justice system by ensuring that judges and juries have more information when hearing cases where victims may be further criminalized.